The Glens and Kirriemuir United Parish Church


Worshipping God in the Community of Kirriemuir and The Glens


Minister’s Message . . . 13th January 2023

From Rev John Orr . .

Surely it's not too late to wish everyone a Happy New Year? I hope not, but it has entered that period in January when you're second-guessing whether it's the appropriate thing to do or not. It's fine for the first week, especially if you're still catching up with people, or perhaps have just gone back to work. After the second week it feels like the moment has gone. Nevertheless, and since I've been having a break after the festivities, it's good to have the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year. And I do hope that this year brings many blessings even amidst the very obvious difficulties that lie ahead for both individuals and for our church family. We know that it will be a time of change for the church, and that current circumstances will encourage (and perhaps necessitate) change in our own habits. The start of a new year always brings the opportunity to start out with new goals or with new purpose. Our resolutions often fall away too quickly, and I think that that is often because our expectations are unrealistic. It's good to be aspirational, but sometimes we need to take smaller steps to get there.

During my break the worship groups led the services at Kirriemuir and Tannadice (and I'm very thankful that we have a group of gifted people who can cover for me). At the Kirriemuir service last week, the team reflected on the doors that God opens before us to experience his love, and the opportunities we have to share God's love. And we were reminded that we don't need elaborate plans or intense theological training, although these have their place.

For most of us, simply showing love through a gracious and generous heart will reveal far more of God's love than finely-crafted argument ever will. The challenges and change before us will need vision and commitment, without a doubt, but whatever work we undertake it will need to be underpinned by the small acts of grace and mercy we each have an opportunity to share every day.

May 2023 bring you many blessings and may it be a year of rejoicing in God's grace.


Prayer . . .

“Eternal God,

our plans succeed only when you are part of them, our love is only life-changing because all love comes from you, our grace is lacking, unless you show us its fullest meaning, and so we turn to you, at the start of this new year, asking that you would bless our plans and strategies, and that you we be in every small act of kindness so that it is your love and grace that shines through each of us.”


We are a Congregation of the Church of Scotland situated in the Presbytery of Angus serving the town of Kirriemuir and the Angus Glens as well as the communities of Cortachy and Memus.